Eat That Frog With a Pomodoro

Asad Ali
2 min readDec 29, 2020

INTRODUCTION: In this blog i am going to discribe an amazing technique “ Pomodoro” and you will get the following intresting information,

What is POMODORO Technique?

What was the mine experience of applying this technique?


This technique was introduced by Francesco Cirillo in the early 1980s and the word POMODORO is Italian for tomato, as given in the below picture.

DEFINITION: In simple words it is a method in which we divide our task into chunks and sets a timer for 25 minutes without any distruction.

Pomodoro steps or cycle

My Experience In This Technique:

I was totally surprised by my output when I worked on my task accordingly to POMODORO TECHNIQUE because I completed my task at half time and as well as I got quality work.

Well, I got the following benefits from the Pomodoro Technique

  1. Makes you feel more valuable.
  2. Improves planning.
  3. Helps you fight procrastination.
  4. Breaks the habit of multitasking.

In my opinion, this is the main advantage of embracing this concept. Despite what you may believe, multitasking is a myth. The reason? The human brain just isn’t capable of handling more than one thing at a time.

What’s more, multitasking can lower your IQ, impact your working memory, and prevents you from entering a flow state. As if that weren’t enough, this can drain your mind’s energy reserves. And, multitasking gives you a false sense of being productive.

As you’ve probably caught on by now, the Pomodoro Technique forces you to focus on one task at a time. In turn, this will counter the negative side effects of multitasking. And, more importantly, it will help you deliver higher quality work in less time.

5. Maintains motivation.

6. Decreases physical and mental fatigue.

CONCLUSION: Hence the overall experience was outstanding, superb, amazing, and wonderful because POMODORO also helped me in this blog and I completed this task very smoothly. I have decided now that I will set the Pomodoro technique in my routine as I can improve my experience. :)



Asad Ali

HI dear readers, Greetings, I am Asad Ali from Karachi. I have recently completed my Graduation in Chemical Engineering. I Love to write and read .